I Represent You With...
Our State's Future is
Stronger Together,
as we address issues of:
As Your Representative
The Kansas State House
I'm seeing You...
As all decisions have both seen and unseen outcomes, it's critical that you have someone who seeks to understand the perspective of others such as yourself.
I'm listening to You...
While disagreements are inevitable, it's important we focus on everyone involved and to build support for each other through active listening.
I'm Your voice...
Kansas needs to speak up, and I seek to represent your concerns, needs, and desires. I will be your voice in our government.
I'm Devoted...
Kansas faces many challenges we need to find answers for. It's critical we choose to work through these challenges, and I will work with you and for you.
I'm Engaged...
Kansas needs leaders that participate in the work that is happening, and are not afraid to get their hands dirty with the daily work.
I'm Accountable...
Kansas should expect their leaders to understand the value of accountability, and should hold themselves accountable for their decisions and choices.
How You Can Show Support
By a "Click" of the "I Support Kansas" button below, you will find several options in which you can reach out and provide support to help keep our
State of Kansas Strong.